How to Use Bridge Building in Your Classroom is a bridge building project and lesson plan that supports science and engineering in your school. Designed for Middle School STEM/Tech programs and aligned with Common Core and ISTE, this lesson is largely student-directed, self-paced, using free online software, but you can use any program that works for you–even toothpick bridges.
What’s included:
- brief summary of project
- suggested prior knowledge
- Essential Question
- Big Idea
- Common Core alignment
- ISTE alignment
- Best Practices
- suggested domain and academic vocabulary
- likely tech problems that will arise
- materials required
- teacher prep required
- step-by-step instructions
- enrichment to dig deeper into the subject
- more information to support specific learning
- assessment strategies
- sample grading rubric
- Digital Delivery
- Page count: 10 pages
- Language: English
Curious? Here’s a sample: