America, we love you.
America, we love you.
Technology has become synonymous with education reform. Like starter on a barbeque, squirt around enough iPads and digital tools and classes start to sizzle. Everyone agrees it’s a transformative tool, but there’s little consensus on how to integrate it into a curriculum. Endless conversation. Spirited debate. A frightening number of pilot programs and great ideas[…]
We’re weeks away from offering (free) videos to show you how to use all of the tools and features mentioned in the K-8 tech curriculum. One of our great Ask a Tech Teacher ccrew, Mr. David Kinane. agreed to use his prodigious recording talents to put these together for educators.If you haven’t met David, Here’s[…]
You know any teacher who’s written a book? Teaches online? We’re taking submittals! If you’re the author or publisher of a tech ed book or teach an online tech class, we can help you reach a wider audience. Here’s how we work with authors and other publishers: We list your product (books, ebooks, classes, materials)[…]
One thing we like to do for our blog followers is let you know about upcoming sales. This is a big one: Our popular co-teaching wikis will go on a half-price sale in August. Instead of $100, you’ll pay somewhere around $50. That’s a great deal. So if you’re planning to purchase or sign your[…]
With Common Core assessments already underway (on a preview basis–so educators can see what’s in store), there’s a lot of chatter about whether students truly have the technology skills required to accomplish what Common Core is asking: keyboarding with accuracy and easy online research using online tools quickly and efficiently to produce documents, publish learning,[…]
Cheryl Lyman is on Structured Learning’s Advisory Board, guiding us in questions of direction, curriculum, and trends. She has 12 years experience teaching K-12 computer science, most recently at McDonald Elementary in Pennsylvania as Instructional Technology Specialist. Awards include Classrooms of the Future Coach, Ed Tech Leader of the Year Semifinalist, PA Keystone Technology Integrator,[…]
To all our American customers, a happy 4th of July! May it bring perfectly-cooked hamburgers, bbqs that work well, and no conversational cul-de-sacs to stunt your holiday happiness.