Student Technology Workbook 2nd Grade




2nd Grade student technology workbook–with teacher manual. Aligned with Common Core and ISTE.  This is a student-paced, student-directed year-long course that integrates with any school curriculum and prepares students for end-of-year Common Core testing and life-long education needs. Includes (may vary depending upon grade level):

  1. Coding/Programming
  2. Develop Details
  3. Digital Templates
  4. Digital Tools in the Classroom
  5. Google Earth
  6. Graphic Organizers
  7. Holiday Projects
  8. Internet and Digital Citizenship
  9. Internet Pictures
  10. Intro
  11. Keyboarding
  12. My Body
  13. Presentations
  14. Problem Solving
  15. Reading on the Internet
  16. Reports
  17. Slideshows
  18. Spreadsheet formulae and summative

…a full year of learning. This is a student-paced, student-directed year-long course that integrates with any school curriculum and prepares students for end-of-year Common Core testing and life-long education needs. Here’s why you’ll want these workbooks:

  • workbooks are full color
  • student can pursue learning independently, at their own pace
  • student can differentiate for their personal needs through options provided in the lessons
  • student can spiral back to review skills and spiral forward to work ahead
  • student has easy access to all metrics and assessments, encouraging accountability for Big Ideas and Essential Questions
  • student can use an annotation tool (i.e., iAnnotate or Adobe) to mark up rubrics and examples, then erase at the end of the year
  • student has clear exemplars of lesson ideas
  • student has easy access to all required materials–links, webtools, research, and more

Not available individually–only as multi-user license. 


  • Digital access
  • Length: 160 pages
  • Images: 311
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Structured Learning
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-942101-08-6
  • License: Multi-user
  • Companion materials: Teacher manual included
  • Purchase: credit card (via PayPal as a guest or with school account) or school Purchase Order


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