2nd Grade student technology workbook–with teacher manual. Aligned with Common Core and ISTE. This is a student-paced, student-directed year-long course that integrates with any school curriculum and prepares students for end-of-year Common Core testing and life-long education needs. Includes (may vary depending upon grade level):
- Coding/Programming
- Develop Details
- Digital Templates
- Digital Tools in the Classroom
- Google Earth
- Graphic Organizers
- Holiday Projects
- Internet and Digital Citizenship
- Internet Pictures
- Intro
- Keyboarding
- My Body
- Presentations
- Problem Solving
- Reading on the Internet
- Reports
- Slideshows
- Spreadsheet formulae and summative
…a full year of learning. This is a student-paced, student-directed year-long course that integrates with any school curriculum and prepares students for end-of-year Common Core testing and life-long education needs. Here’s why you’ll want these workbooks:
- workbooks are full color
- student can pursue learning independently, at their own pace
- student can differentiate for their personal needs through options provided in the lessons
- student can spiral back to review skills and spiral forward to work ahead
- student has easy access to all metrics and assessments, encouraging accountability for Big Ideas and Essential Questions
- student can use an annotation tool (i.e., iAnnotate or Adobe) to mark up rubrics and examples, then erase at the end of the year
- student has clear exemplars of lesson ideas
- student has easy access to all required materials–links, webtools, research, and more
Not available individually–only as multi-user license.
- Digital access
- Length: 160 pages
- Images: 311
- Language: English
- Publisher: Structured Learning
- ISBN-13: 978-1-942101-08-6
- License: Multi-user
- Companion materials: Teacher manual included
- Purchase: credit card (via PayPal as a guest or with school account) or school Purchase Order
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