What’s included in the 5th Grade Lesson Plans (software-based) bundle:
- 5 lesson plans integrated into inquiry, using popular software
- A brief summary of each project, including suggested grade level and prior knowledge, time required, software required
- Higher-order thinking skills addressed
- Technology-specific skills taught
Photoshop Basx
Adobe Photoshop is KidPix for grown ups–and the default photo editor for graphics enthusiasts. This offers a kid-friendly introduction to the Photoshop screen, canvas, layout, toolbars, task panes, history as undo and more.
Color my Grammar (in Word)
Type several sentences in Word. Pick from a book students are reading, spelling words or sight words. Use the color palette to label parts of speech.
Google Earth Board
Students select a Wonder of the World (list developed by the classroom teacher of the places they will visit during the school year) to research on Google Earth, and then present a picture and fact to the class.
A Colonization Brochure in Publisher
Students create a sophisticated trifold brochure with pictures, design elements, colorful layout, integrated into the classroom unit of inquiry.
Ecosystems Table in Word
Make a table of ecosystems (or biomes or landforms or whatever topic you’re studying in science). Add pictures and websites; team-teach this one with the classroom teacher.