Kindergarten Bundle Internet



What’s included in the Kindergarten Lesson Plan Internet bundle:
  • A brief summary of each project, including suggested grade level and prior knowledge, time required, software required
  • Higher-order thinking skills addressed (including ISTE  Standards addressed)
  • This digital book can be viewed on a computer, iPad, laptop, Smartphone, Chromebooks, or any electronic device that displays PDFs.

Five step-by-step lessons, including reproducibles, grading rubrics, sample projects, extensions for advanced students and troubleshooting tips, including:

Art Online
Online resources from the world’s great art museums, do-it-yourself sites and more. Includes website links.
Online Sustained Silent Reading Sites
Use the internet to offer variety in Sustained Silent Reading (SSR). Every student can find something they’ll like on these websites.
Sponge Activities using Webcams, Virtual Tours and Videos
Internet Basics
Here’s how to use the Internet, it’s myriad tools, to enhance student learning in your school or homeschool.
Geek Speak
Collect words used during class that students don’t understand. Quiz them on them once a quarter. Students will feel more involved with technology if they understand and use the terminology.

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