What’s included in the 6th Grade Lesson Plans (Internet-based) bundle:
- 5 lesson plans that can be integrated into inquiry, which use internet tools/widgets
- A brief summary of each project, including suggested grade level and prior knowledge, time required, software required
- Higher-order thinking skills addressed
- Technology-specific skills taught
- Digital delivery of the PDF
Five projects include:
Online Blogs
Continue classroom discussions after class. Blogs are a revolutionary method of giving all students a full-throated equal voice in all conversations.
Oregon Trail
A simulation that allows students to experience a trip made by over 3,000 Americans as they traveled via wagon train to the wilds of the Far West. This lesson plan includes step-by-step directions, questions students research with the simulation and websites to augment learning.
A simulation that allows students to experience a trip made by over 3,000 Americans as they traveled via wagon train to the wilds of the Far West. This lesson plan includes step-by-step directions, questions students research with the simulation and websites to augment learning.
Free Online Keyboarding Programs
Use online keyboarding to provide variety to students’ software-based programs. Follow up with a quarterly quiz to graph improvement.
Use online keyboarding to provide variety to students’ software-based programs. Follow up with a quarterly quiz to graph improvement.
Integrating Web 2.0 into the Classroom
How to be a good digital citizen. Using classroom blogs, internet homepages, webpages, wikis, social bookmarks, online calendars, and Open Source documents.
How to be a good digital citizen. Using classroom blogs, internet homepages, webpages, wikis, social bookmarks, online calendars, and Open Source documents.
Sponge Activities in Technology