This page is for the two volumes of Ultimate Guide to Keyboarding (digital only)
Common Core-compliant, the Ultimate Guide to Keyboarding prepares students for the demands of a tech-infused classroom. It is designed to be taught in the computer lab or as a shared responsibility–multiple teachers reinforce keyboarding skills. Here’s what you get:
- a comprehensive approach to teaching keyboarding–lots of detail, numerous illustrations so it’s easily understood even by teachers who don’t teach tech for a living. Rich in detail so everyone can understand it.
- supports Common Core needs in the form of yearly testing and Standards requirements for a tech-infused classroom
- detailed timeline of what to introduce when. Starts weekly and moves to monthly as teachers become more comfortable with how to integrate keyboarding into their classroom.
- can be used with or without optional student workbooks and videos. All three products are fully aligned so students and teacher are at the same point any moment in time.
The book includes:
- Overview of the book, keyboarding and philosophy
- Big Idea behind the book
- Who needs this book
- How to use the book
- Equipment requirements
- Assessments
- Research
- Why Learn Keyboarding
- Common Core alignment
- Body/Hand position
- Finger exercises
- Problem solving
- Templates
- Monthly checklists to be sure students are completing what they need to know
- Yearly checklist to be sure students are ready for the next keyboarding year
Each lesson includes:
- Vocabulary
- Trouble-shooting (K-2)
- Homework (3-5)
- Materials
- Activities
- Steps
- Images (where available)
- Vocabulary
- Perfect bound/Digital
- Publisher: Structured Learning (September 2023)
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 978-0-9893690-7-7
- Purchase:
- Digital–credit card (via PayPal, as a guest or with an account)
- School Purchase Order (min. $100)–Contact for details.
- License: Single user
- Companion workbooks: Click for K-8 student workbooks
Curious? Here’s a sample.
How do I pick between Essential Guide to Keyboarding and Ultimate Guide?
- The Ultimate Guide:
- is Common Core compliant
- includes more detail/images/how-tos on each activity than the Essential Guide.
- expanded detail makes it perfect when keyboarding is taught across grade-level classes, often by teachers without a background in teaching keyboarding
- is aligned with new K-8 Student Workbooks
- includes enriched assessments (to reflect changes since the 2012 publication date of the Essential Guide)
- includes a detailed timeline of what to introduce when, by week and/or month
- includes a slightly-expanded research section
- responds to reader requests since the Essential Guide’s 2012 publication (which is why it’s over three times as long!)
- can be enriched with student workbooks and videos
- can be a student-directed activity when student workbooks and videos are used
- The Essential Guide:
- is more compact (less than a third the size of the Ultimate Guide)
- covers all essential keyboarding material in one book rather than two, and as such, is more portable and affordable
- is available in print or digital (Ultimate Guide: K-5 is available in both formats, but the Middle School volume is only available in digital)
- is perfect for teachers looking for a curriculum map of activities more than how to do them
- has no associated workbooks or videos
- well suited when keyboarding is taught by one teacher