This short lesson plan includes two levels of robotics: Basics and Gears. Start with the basics as an introduction and then move on to the more-complicated and more-enthusing Gears. Includes background in popular fiction, a discussion of Asimov’s Law of Robotics, how to get students started, how to make this student-directed and self-paced, and how to wrap up the year with bot battles. Students build and program their robots in groups, keep a running online journal with images and movies to share with classmates, and learn to think critically and problem-solve.
The thirteen-page lesson includes:
- summary of project
- average time required
- suggested grade level
- Essential Question
- Big Idea
- teacher prep required
- step-by-step instructions (where relevant)
- examples
- academic applications
- class handouts (where relevant)
- assessment strategies
- sample grading rubric (where relevant)