What’s included in the 1st Grade Lesson Plans II (Software) bundle:
- A brief summary of each project, including suggested grade level and prior knowledge, time required, software required
- Higher-order thinking skills addressed
- Technology-specific skills taught (including National Education Technology Standards addressed)
Five projects include:
Creating Simple Shapes with Excel
Excel can be used to draw pictures, much as those nerdy folk used to do with typewriter keys. Why draw in Excel? It’s like using graph paper–allowing you to depict each part to scale. Another reason: Because it’s there.
Excel can be used to draw pictures, much as those nerdy folk used to do with typewriter keys. Why draw in Excel? It’s like using graph paper–allowing you to depict each part to scale. Another reason: Because it’s there.
Introduction to Google Earth
Introduce students to Google Earth, panning in and out, dragging with the mouse, changing the perspective of the earth’s surface, visiting the solar system. Use classroom investigation into national symbols (Statue of Liberty, Pentagon, White House, etc.) to spark their interest.
Introduce students to Google Earth, panning in and out, dragging with the mouse, changing the perspective of the earth’s surface, visiting the solar system. Use classroom investigation into national symbols (Statue of Liberty, Pentagon, White House, etc.) to spark their interest.
Where Did I come From? (using Google Earth and KidPix)
Students will proudly display their country of origin using Google Earth to find it and KidPix to add text and a flag.
Students will proudly display their country of origin using Google Earth to find it and KidPix to add text and a flag.
Beginning Graphs in Excel
Have students fill cells with paint bucket, next to number showing a visual pictorial quantification of numbers and amounts.
Have students fill cells with paint bucket, next to number showing a visual pictorial quantification of numbers and amounts.
Graph a class survey in Excel
Take a class survey. Show the results in several Excel-friendly ways–as a table on a worksheet and a graph that students can format as they desire.
Take a class survey. Show the results in several Excel-friendly ways–as a table on a worksheet and a graph that students can format as they desire.